- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions
Contact: More than 500 experienced employees are at your disposal at 32 LBG locations throughout Austria. Please contact us via e-mail . We are happy to provide you with the best LBG consultants for your needs.

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

LBG Faktura - Ausgangsrechnung, Lieferschein, Umsatz-/Verkaufsstatistik
Die Softwarelösung zur Erstellung von Ausgangsrechnungen. Die Fakturierung im Wege von Word/Excel-Vorlagen kann praktisch sein, bringt aber auch viele Nachteile mit sich. Auch in die Jahre gekommene Warenwirtschaftssysteme unterstützen tägliche Abläufe in der digitalen Welt oft nicht optimal. LBG bietet daher mit „LBG Faktura Classic“ eine hilfreiche Softwarelösung für die laufende Erstellung Ihrer Ausgangsrechnungen. Mit „LBG Faktura Plus“ können Sie darüber hinaus auch komfortabel Angebote und Lieferscheine für Ihre Kunden erstellen. Aussagekräftige Umsatz- und Verkaufsstatistiken und vieles mehr sind selbstverständlich. Gleichzeitig ist damit der Datentransfer mit LBG erledigt und erspart Ihnen, Ordner zu schleppen. Wir übernehmen die Fakturen und verarbeiten sie fachkundig nach betriebswirtschaftlichen und gesetzlichen Kriterien im für Sie geführten laufenden Finanz- und Rechnungswesen.

LBG Business - die Software für Buchhaltung & Jahresabschluss
Bereits bei mehr als 6.000 Unternehmen österreichweit erfolgreich im Einsatz. Betriebswirtschaftliche und steuerliche Aufzeichnungen. Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung bzw. Doppelte Buchführung. Umsatzsteuermeldungen. Tagesaktuelle Kennzahlenauswertungen liefern Entscheidungsgrundlagen für eine optimale Unternehmensführung. Effizientes Buchen mit vielen praktischen Zusatzfunktionen. Übersichtlicher Aufbau, einfache Bedienung.

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions

- Integrated software solutions: Invoicing, warehouse management, dunning, financial accounting, payroll accounting, performance tracking, time tracking
- Solutions for financial accounting, controlling and reporting, cost accounting, budgeting, payment transactions
- Planning, implementation, training and ongoing support
- Selection and supply of hardware, software, complete packages
- Care and maintenance of complete IT systems
- LBG Online: Collaboration between clients and tax advisers on a shared, secure IT platform via ASP solutions